Lubricant Manufacturer In Dubai

It is no doubt that choosing the right kind of lubricant is important to ensuring economy and efficiency in your industry. However, you must also give equal importance to maintaining the lubricant quality when in use and storage. Checking lubrication systems and monitoring the state of oil will help you stay on top of your maintenance requirements. You can avoid downtime and avoidable breakdowns by making sure that the lubricant is doing its job properly. Dufelub lubricant manufacturer in Dubai are one of the leading lubricant manufacturers in Dubai and can provide customized and smart solutions for your industry and engine lubrication.

Anybody who has worked in industries or has any experience with production activities will tell you that the machinery and equipment are worth its cost in gold for the success of any company. Lubrication is the elixir that keeps these precious machines up and running at all times. Lubricants are as essential as the machinery themselves according to most experts for maintaining efficiency in any industry. As one of the popular lubricant manufacturers in Dubai, we want to discuss one of the neglected aspects of lubrication – Maintenance of lubrication systems.

Many industries have developed different types of lubrication systems to ensure all the machines get their fair share of lubrication. However, what generally falls through the crack is the maintenance of these lubrication systems itself. The health of your lubricant is important to ensure that it does the work without any hindrance.

Lets see what are some of the basic steps to undertake for maintenance of your lubrication systems.

Lubricant Manufacturer In Dubai System Maintenance

Contamination Protection During Storage

Generally, industries procure large quantities of lubricant and store it in their premises. While this is a good practice overall as missing timely lubrication can be hazardous for any production cycle. However, you must take proper care during storage. Lubricants, especially liquid lubricants such as engine oils are prone to contaminants. All the storage vessels must be sealed tight without any obstruction for delivery systems such as pipes or hoses. Lubrication is meant to carry out the dirt and other contaminants from the running engines but the maintenance personnel that the residual lubricant does not come in contact with fresh stored lubricant via old vessels, tanks, and pipes. These contaminants can prove harmful and stop the lubricant from flowing properly and protecting the machine from external factors.

Lubricant Manufacturers In Dubai| top Lubricant Manufacturer In Dubai

Lubricant Manufacturer In Dubai Analysis

Once you have started using the lubricant, it is important to constantly monitor the lubricant quality so that any contaminant or other issues in the lubricant can be identified immediately. In case a distressed lubricant is circulated, it can damage the entire lubrication systems such as the pumping and distribution systems and the machinery itself. You can involve your lubricant manufacturer in Dubai in the sample collection and analysis process if you notice anything in the regular check-ups. Factors like color, flow, and temperature can be checked to understand the oil’s condition at any given time. Lubricant analysis can also tell you the state of your pumping system and overall machinery so that you can schedule your regular maintenance accordingly.

Centralized Lubrication systems and Maintenance

Most industries have a sophisticated lubrication system in place. The common components of a lubrication system are pumping or pressure systems, control systems, distribution systems, and sensing devices. These systems constantly circulate and pump lubricants to the machinery. Any contamination or breakdown of these systems can prove difficult to handle. Such systems should be checked for clogged lines, air entries, pipe leakages, injector failure, and dirty lubricant. Clogged lines and pipe leakages can leave the lubricant up to contamination and failure of delivery of lubricant to the right place. The control systems and sensing devices are prone to mechanical failure or overload related issues. A monthly service has to be done for this equipment due to its importance in the overall production health.

Setting lubrication cycles

It is important that like production activity, lubrication also works like clockwork. Setting up cycles for lubricant delivery, lubricant pumping, and cleanup is essential. By ensuring that there is a given timeline for every activity, you can easily spot if there is trouble. For example, if the lubricant is not getting circulated as usual due to contaminants or oxidation, then it will reflect at the time of cleanup. If the pump is not working well, then you can spot the same when you go check for lubricant delivery. Such checks also ensure that the essential equipment is protected for any lubricant failure and no accidental friction or metal contact issues arise.

Advanced Steps

We discussed some of the basic precautions you can take to ensure that your lubricant and lubrication systems are functional and performing at the desired efficiency. Some industrialists are also adopting certain smart solutions for monitoring the quality of lubricant and corresponding systems. There are many firms dabbling in IOT based monitoring systems that provide real-time data on the health of all equipment and the oil as well. You can connect these to your delivery systems and change the lubrication quantity, cycles, and also enhance performance by mixing more than one lubricant for the same machine. By taking the monitoring online, you can ensure accuracy and precision. This is the best solution in case of offshore platforms, drilling rigs, and other inaccessible production units.


1. Do lubricant manufacturers in Dubai provide construction equipment lubricants?

Leading lubricant manufacturers in Dubai like Dufelub have specialty hydraulic fluids and synthetic lubricants that are ideal for construction equipment.

2. What is the difference between synthetic lubricants and conventional mineral lubricants?

Conventional lubricants are derived from petroleum products and usually don’t contain a lot of additives. Synthetic lubricants are made artificially and exhibit superior properties when compared to conventional lubricants.

3. Is synthetic lubricant good for my car?

Synthetic lubricants are resistant to corrosion, oxidation, and temperature changes. Leading lubricant manufacturers in Dubai like Dufelub have many additives to improve friction reduction, viscosity, and anti-wear characteristics.

4. I want to choose a lubricant for my machine. How do I decide?

If you are looking for a lubricant, check the manufacturer’s operating manual first. It will list all the properties to look out for in the lubricant. You can then contact a lubricant manufacturer and decide which product works best.

5. Can I use a lubricant to stop my equipment from heating up?

The primary function of any liquid or semi-solid lubricant is to disperse the heat from the engine or the rotating parts of the machine. By keeping the heart in motion, they reduce the temperature on the surface that can damage the metal.

6. Do lubricant manufacturer in Dubai provide bulk orders?

Yes, lubricant manufacturer in Dubai provide bulk order in various parts of UAE.

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