In a disc brake system, brake pads press against the rotor while driving. The shoes in a drum brake system provide pressure on the drum. Either way, you can improve the performance of the brakes by applying a little lubricant. It might seem contradictory to grease brake pads as friction is necessary. But it makes a significant difference when done correctly.

Having said that, it’s crucial to use the right lubricants in the right places. You risk losing stopping power if you don’t. Brake grease should never be applied to the brake shoes’ or pads’ friction surfaces. As a leading lubricant manufacturer in Dubai, our company is dedicated to formulating high-performance products tailored to withstand the unique challenges posed by the region’s extreme temperatures and environmental conditions

  • Safety

One of a car’s most crucial safety features is the brakes. They are applied and released hundreds, if not thousands of times a day, without the driver knowing it. Usually, the driver only applies the brakes intentionally when something goes against protocol. Long-term maintenance of brakes is made possible by lubricants. Additionally, they stop offensive odours from growing when braking.

  • Longer Useful Life

Your brake system’s parts endure less wear and tear when they operate smoothly. It implies that you have more time to use them. Over time, this will save you money. For the brake parts to operate smoothly and avoid grinding or catching on one another, they must be greased. The parts grind when there is no lubricant present, making a loud screeching or squealing sound.

There are mainly three types of brake lubricants:

  1. Silicone

Since silicone is safe to use with rubber and plastic, it’s a wise choice when choosing a grease. Additionally, it will coat metal in a shield to assist stop corrosion. This kind of lubricant is composed of thicker silica compound. When utilising silicone, use caution since it may become contaminated with organic solvents.

  1. Synthetic

Synthetics are the grease of modern ingenuity. They function better than traditional grease in terms of heat, lubrication, and durability. You’ll discover that they can withstand degradation in harsher conditions with greater resiliency. You can extend the time between your grease changes—for example, from monthly to quarterly—by using a synthetic.

  1. Anti-Seize

The temperature tolerance of this kind of brake oil is really great. It is thicker than normal grease and is composed of nickel. It adheres to the pads more securely and doesn’t burn or rinse off thanks to its thicker viscosity. Make sure the anti-seize you select is appropriate for the kind of metal you plan to use it on.

Dufelub: Best Lubricant manufacturer in Dubai

By choosing brake lubricants from top lubricant manufacturers in the region, drivers can unlock the secrets to improved performance, longevity, and safety, ultimately enhancing their driving experience in this dynamic and challenging environment.

Leading lubricant manufacturer in the UAE, Dufelub provides a wide array of premium lubricants and auto maintenance items to support companies in all sectors of the economy. Dufelub has the knowledge and lubricant products to suit your demands, regardless of whether you work in the automotive, industrial, marine, or agricultural sectors.

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